Help — Login

If you are a registered LegalMatch user, you'll need to log in to access your personal home page to view any attorney responses to your case.

Presenting a case on the LegalMatch system automatically registers you. Please read more about what information we make available to attorneys and how you can control it.

If you have already presented your case (or saved an unfinished case), enter the user name and password you provided during the,presentation process, then click Login to LegalMatch.

Forgot your User Name and/or Password?

If you forgot your Password, click on the 'Forgot your Password?' link just below the 'Login to LegalMatch' button. To reset a password, you will need to provide your user name and answer your secret question by providing the same answer you provided during registration.

If you forgot your user name, click the 'Forgot your Password?' link, then click the 'Forgot your Username?' link, then follow the instructions on your screen to get your user name. You will need to provide the email address you used when registering, and we will send your username to that address.

Be sure you have WWW in front of Without the WWW you'll get a warning that there may a problem with the site's security certificate. Our security certificate is for only; if you receive the warning message and press the enter key (rather than clicking the YES button), you'll be unable to login to Legalmatch.

If you still cannot log in to the system after following these instructions, please email or use our technical support forms for consumer/clients and attorneys. If you use email, explain the steps you followed and what happened. Also provide your name, email address, approximate date of registration, and the type and version of your browser.