Litigation Lawyers in Saltillo

If you are in Saltillo, Mississippi and believe that some type of legal wrong has been committed against you, and decide that seeking legal redress will be worth the time and expense involved, you may wish to file a lawsuit.

If you wish to file a lawsuit, there are many things you need to consider, and the decision to sue someone should not be made without the counsel of a Saltillo, Mississippi civil litigation attorney.

Once you have hired an attorney in Saltillo, Mississippi, he or she will be able to help you devise a strategy on how to proceed, which will hopefully maximize your chances of success in your lawsuit. Your lawyer can also give you a rough idea of how much the lawsuit is likely to cost, taking into account court fees, expert witness fees, and other costs.

Steps for Filing a Lawsuit in Saltillo, Mississippi

Consultation with your attorney: Before you continue in any legal action in Saltillo, Mississippi, you should speak with a brilliant local attorney in Saltillo, Mississippi. Your legal counsel can make sure you have the best possible chance of winning your case, and help you decide if you should file your lawsuit in the first place.

Drafting The Complaint: In Saltillo, Mississippi, the first step in filing a lawsuit is drafting a complaint. The complaint is a document that lays out all of your allegations against the person you're suing. It typically provides necessary background information, details the injuries you suffered, and why the person you're suing is to blame for those injuries. It also usually contains a specific "prayer" (request) for relief - a brief statement telling the court what the plaintiff is asking of it, such as monetary damages, and injunction, or other relief.

Serving The Defendant: After you draft your complaint, and file it with the court, you have to let the defendant know that they're being sued. The law of Saltillo, Mississippi requires that the defendant be given advance notice of the lawsuit as a matter of basic fairness: if you were being sued, you'd want to be given time to find a lawyer and prepare your defense strategy, right? So, with that in mind, the law prefers that defendants be served personally, typically through the use of a paid process server.

Await Defendant's Response: When you have served the defendant with the complaint in Saltillo, Mississippi, the defendant has time to respond. The most frequent response is known as an "answer," in which they specifically address the factual allegations you've made against them, normally by denying most of the allegations. They might also move to dismiss the case if they can argue that the complaint is legally flawed. A judge then has to rule on this motion. If the defendant doesn't respond within a specific period of time, they are said to have "defaulted." This allows the court to enter a default judgment, in which the plaintiff essentially automatically wins the lawsuit. Once this happens, the defendant, if they're ever located, can be served with the judgment, and will have very little power to challenge the merits of your case.

How Can A Saltillo, Mississippi Tort Lawyer Help?

This article gives you a basic picture of what is required to file a lawsuit in Saltillo, Mississippi. However, it should not, under any circumstances, be read as a complete guide to the litigation process.

If you have suffered a legal wrong in and decide to sue the person who you believed wronged you, you should talk with a qualified Saltillo, Mississippi attorney.